Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tips to Help You be Healthier!

I'm all about the tips and tricks that help make life more easier and people more healthier.  Obviously, we know for the most part that losing weight and getting healthier is definitely a challenge.  There are those few people that can of course eat anything they want and not gain weight.  I know a few people like that (they know who they are).  I am not one of those people.

I feel it's all about a lifestyle change though.  I don't believe in diets because they don't work.  I'm sure you'll agree.  You just end up gaining the weight back plus some.  However, making a lifestyle change and eating healthier foods doesn't have to be a difficult feat.  It won't happen overnight so don't expect it to.  The idea is to make small changes and stick with them, slowly changing more as time goes by.  If you try to overhaul your life and eating habits all at once it will be too overwhelming and most likely you'll fall back into your regular habits.  This doesn't mean that healthy foods have to taste like cardboard.  I am all over flavor and you can have the best of both worlds.  Flavorful, delicious, nutritious meals!

The more you can get extra vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants into your diet and less of the "bad" fats, sugar and sodium, the more your body will thank you.  Don't cut out fats completely though, your body still needs the "good" fats.  That's another post I'll get to in the near future.  If you have children or picky eaters I am all for sneaking in these "good" foods any way you can.  Some of my future recipes will show you ways of doing that.  I'm also a firm believer in starting your children off eating healthy foods from infancy.  Then there is less of a chance you will have picky eaters (you may still have picky eaters but it will be less of a problem).  Those are the foods they know and will learn to like and ask for.  After all the parent is in charge of the child's health, so go to any length to instill great nutrition in your child.  It will be well worth it and they will thank you when they are older.

There are two tips I use on a daily basis.  When I make my coffee in the morning (there are some health benefits of coffee plus I can't function without it haha), I put the coffee grounds in the basket filter and sprinkle in about 1/4-1/2 tsp of organic ground cinnamon and toss in an organic green tea bag (I try to use as many organic products as possible).  

You get the many health benefits of cinnamon, which some may classify as a "superfood".  These benefits include lowering your "bad" cholesterol (LDL), lowering and stabilizing your blood sugar levels which aid in weight loss, reducing or eliminating headaches or migraines and improving memory function, just to name a few.  Some examples of ways to use cinnamon on a daily basis include adding it to your coffee as mentioned above or your tea, sprinkling on yogurt or fruit, as well as adding to whole grain or whole wheat cereal to add flavor. 

The health benefits of green tea are incredible.  It is a great source of the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) which helps treat a variety of diseases.  These include heart disease, cancer, infections and high cholesterol levels to name a few.  Green tea does have a bit of a different taste that takes time to get used to, but I find when I add it to my coffee grounds, it runs through and it's not such a strong taste.  I enjoy it more.  I feel a great start to increasing your health can begin with just adding these two items to your daily routine!  I hope you will give it a try.

These are just a few things you can incorporate into your life to become more healthy.  I will be adding more great info so keep checking back to learn how you can be healthier with Sinfully Healthy Foods.  Take care!

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